


106. Qingjun Chen, Guoguo Liu, Shuya Ding, Md Chanmiya Sheikh, Donghui Long*, Yoshiharu Yoneyama, Noritatsu Tsubaki*. Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 334: 714-724.

105. Hao Wang, Yanju Wei, Jitong Wang, Donghui Long*. Polymer-chelation synthesis of compositionally homogeneous LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 crystals for lithium-ion cathode. Electrochimica Acta. 2018, 269: 724-732.
 104. Songmin Zhang, Jiawen Wu, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling*. Constructing T-Nb2O5@Carbon hollow core-shell nanostructures for high-rate hybrid supercapacitor. Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 396: 88-94.

103. Mingqi Chen, Min Pan, Yanping Chong, Jitong Wang, Donghui Long*. Engineering the outermost surface of mesoporous carbon beads towards the broad-spectrum blood-cleansing application. Carbon, 2018, 130: 782-791.

102. Mengfei Hu, Yuan Yuan, Man Guo, Yankai Pan, Donghui Long*. A substrate-influenced three-dimensional unoriented dispersion pathway for dendrite-free lithium metal anodes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6: 14910-14918.

101. Yanju Wei, Zhenkai Kong, Yankai Pan, Yueqiang Cao, Donghui Long*, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling*. Sulfur film sandwiched between few-layered MoS2 electrocatalysts and conductive reduced graphene oxide as a robust cathode for advanced lithium–sulfur batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6: 5899-5909.

100. Lingping Kong, Xiaoteng Liu, Jinjia Wei, Steven Wang, Ben Bin Xu*, Donghui Long*, Fei Chen*. T-Nb25 nanoparticle enabled pseudocapacitance with fast Li-ion intercalation. Nanoscale, 2018, 10: 14165-14170.

99. 董金鑫朱召贤姚鸿俊龙东辉*. 酚醛气凝胶/碳纤维复合材料的结构调控及性能研究[J]. 化工学报, 2018, 69(11): 4896-4901.

98. 朱召贤王飞姚鸿俊董金鑫龙东辉*. 遮光剂掺杂Al2O3-SiO2气凝胶/莫来石纤维毡复合材料的高温隔热性能研究[J]. 无机材料学报, 2018, 33(9): 969-975.

97 朱召贤董金鑫贾献峰龙东辉*, 凌立成酚醛气凝胶/炭纤维复合材料的结构与烧蚀性能[J]. 新型炭材料, 2018, 33(4): 370-376.



96. Mei Wang, Yuexing Li, Min Pan, Xianfeng Jia, Di Yin, Donghui Long*, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling*. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2017, 2, 1700088.

95. Meng Tian, Yueqing Sun, Chuanfang (John) Zhang*, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Donghui Long*. Enabling high-rate electrochemical flow capacitors based on mesoporous carbon microspheres suspension electrodes. Journal of Power Sources, 2017, 364: 182-190.

94. Cheng Ma, Xueyong Chen, Donghui Long*, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling*. High-surface-area and high-nitrogen-content carbon microspheres prepared by a pre-oxidation and mild KOH activation for superior supercapacitor. Carbon, 2017, 118: 699-708.

93. Jitong Wang, Wuyou Jiang, Zixiao Zhang, Donghui Long*. Mesoporous Carbon Beads Impregnated with Transition Metal Chlorides for Regenerative Removal of Ammonia in the Atmosphere, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56(12): 3283-3290.

92. Shuang Jiao, Jun Du, Zhonglin Du, Donghui Long*, Wuyou Jiang, Zhenxiao Pan, Yan Li, Xinhua Zhong*. Nitrogen-Doped Mesoporous Carbons as Counter Electrodes in Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells with a Conversion Efficiency Exceeding 12%. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2017, 8(3): 559-564.

91. Zixiao Zhang, Wuyou Jiang, Donghui Long*, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling*. A General Silica-Templating Synthesis of Alkaline Mesoporous Carbon Catalysts for Highly Efficient H2S Oxidation at Room Temperature. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(3): 2477-2484.

90. Haiping Su, Alejandro A. Barragan, Linxiao Geng, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling, Krassimir N. Bozhilov, Lorenzo Mangolini, Juchen Guo*. Colloidal Synthesis of Silicon-Carbon Composite Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2017, 56(36): 10780-10785.

89. Yuzo Ohata, Donghui Long, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon*. Dimensional control of tubular-type carbon nanofibers via pyrolytic carbon coating. Journal of Materials Science, 2017, 52: 5165-5178.

88 Haiping Su, Chenyin Fu, Yifan Zhao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling, Bryan M. Wong, Jun Lu*, Juchen Guo*. Polycation Binders: An Effective Approach toward Lithium Polysulfide Sequestration in Li–S Batteries. ACS Energy Letters, 2017, 2(11): 2591-2597.

87. 陈明奇潘敏田梦王际童龙东辉*. 氮掺杂中孔炭正负极不对称电容行为研究[J]. 新型炭材料, 2017, 32(6): 542-549.

86. 刘克王际童龙东辉*, 凌立成.低密度Fe3O4/中孔炭微球复合材料的可规模制备及吸波性能[J]. 无机材料学报, 2017, 32(10): 1023-1028.

85. 陈玉峰洪长青胡成龙胡平李伶刘家臣刘玲龙东辉邱海鹏汤素芳张幸红周长灵周延春*, 朱时珍.空天飞行器用热防护陶瓷材料[J]. 现代技术陶瓷, 2017, 38(5): 311-390.

84. 赵宏阳周建国王际童乔文明龙东辉*, 凌立成低密度碳空心微球的制备及酚醛树脂空心微球复合材料的性能[J]. 材料科学与工程学报, 2017, 35(4): 582-586,642.

83. 刘旭华贾献峰王际童*, 龙东辉乔文明凌立成碳纳米管增强Al2O3-SiO2气凝胶制备及性能研究[J]. 化工新型材料, 2017, 45(5): 244-246.



82. Xianfeng Jia, Bowen Dai, Zhaoxian Zhu, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. Strong and machinable carbon aerogel monoliths with low thermal conductivity prepared via ambient pressure drying. Carbon, 2016, 108: 551-560.

81. Huichao Chen, Qianqian Li, Na Teng, Donghui Long*, Cheng Ma, Yanju Wei, Jitong Wang, Licheng Ling*. Simultaneous micropore development and nitrogen doping of ordered mesoporous carbons for enhanced supercapacitor and Li-S cathode performance. Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 214: 231-240.

80. Jianguo Zhou, Hongyang Zhao, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. Scalable preparation of hollow polymer and carbon microspheres by spray drying and their application in low-density syntactic foam. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 181: 150-158.

79. Wencheng Li, Zixiao Zhang, Jitong Wang*, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. Low temperature catalytic combustion of ethylene over cobalt oxide supported mesoporous carbon spheres. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 293: 243-251.

78. Mei Wang, Liwen Yao, Jitong Wang*, Zixiao Zhang, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. Adsorption and regeneration study of polyethylenimine-impregnated millimeter-sized mesoporous carbon spheres for post-combustion CO2 capture. Applied Energy, 2016, 168: 282-290.

77. Lingping Kong, Xiaodong Cao, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Donghui Long*. Revisiting Li+ intercalation into various crystalline phases of Nb2O5 anchored on graphene sheets as pseudocapacitive electrodes. Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 309: 42-49.

76. Jianguo Zhou, Yuefeng Wang, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. Effective removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions by adsorption on mesoporous carbon microspheres. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2016, 462: 200-207.

75. Zixiao Zhang, Jitong Wang*, Wencheng Li, Mei Wang, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. Millimeter-sized mesoporous carbon spheres for highly efficient catalytic oxidation of hydrogen sulfide at room temperature. Carbon, 2016, 96: 608-615.

74. Zhonglin Du, Zhenxiao Pan, Francisco Fabregat-Santiago, Ke Zhao, Donghui Long, Hua Zhang, Yixin Zhao, Xinhua Zhong*, Jong-Sung Yu, Juan Bisquert. Carbon Counter-Electrode-Based Quantum-Dot-Sensitized Solar Cells with Certified Efficiency Exceeding 11%. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2016, 7(16): 3103-3111.

73. Wencheng Li, Huanhuan Zhang, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Donghui Long*. Flexible Ru/Graphene Aerogel with Switchable Surface Chemistry: Highly Efficient Catalyst for Room-Temperature CO Oxidation. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2016, 3(10), 1500711.

72. Chuanzhang Ge, Haixiao Yang, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. Highly effective utilization of ethylene tar for mesophase development via a molecular fractionation process. RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 796-804.

71. Chuanfang (John) Zhang, Thomas M. Higgins, Sang-Hoon Park, Sean E. O'Brien, Donghui Long*, Jonathan N. Coleman*, Valeria Nicolosi*. Highly flexible and transparent solid-state supercapacitors based on RuO2/PEDOT:PSS conductive ultrathin films. Nano Energy, 2016, 28: 495-505.

70. Yingqing Tao, Yanju Wei, Yu Liu, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Donghui Long*. Kinetically-enhanced polysulfide redox reactions by Nb2O5 nanocrystals for high-rate lithium–sulfur battery. Energy & Environmental Science, 2016, 9: 3230-3239.

69. Yanju Wei, Yingqing Tao, Chuanfang Zhang*, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Donghui Long*. Layered carbide-derived carbon with hierarchically porous structure for high rate lithium-sulfur batteries. Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 188: 385-392.

68. Jianguo Zhou, Zhenlong Sun, Mingqi Chen, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. Macroscopic and Mechanically Robust Hollow Carbon Spheres with Superior Oil Adsorption and Light-to-Heat Evaporation Properties. Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26(29): 5368-5375.

67. Lingping Kong, Chuanfang Zhang, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Donghui Long*. Nanoarchitectured Nb2O5 hollow, Nb2O5@carbon and NbO2@carbon Core-Shell Microspheres for Ultrahigh-Rate Intercalation Pseudocapacitors. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 21177.

66. Chuanfang Zhang, Majid Beidaghi, Michael Naguib, Maria R. Lukatskaya, Meng-Qiang Zhao, Boris Dyatkin, Kevin M. Cook, Seon Joon Kim, Brandon Eng, Xu Xiao, Donghui Long*, Wenming Qiao, Bruce Dunn*, Yury Gogotsi*. Synthesis and Charge Storage Properties of Hierarchical Niobium Pentoxide/Carbon/Niobium Carbide (MXene) Hybrid Materials. Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28(11): 3937-3943.

65. Jun Du, Zhonglin Du, Jin-Song Hu, Zhenxiao Pan, Qing Shen, Jiankun Sun, Donghui Long, Hui Dong, Litao Sun, Xinhua Zhong*, Li-Jun Wan. Zn-Cu-In-Se Quantum Dot Solar Cells with a Certified Power Conversion Efficiency of 11.6%, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138(12): 4201-4209.

64. 贾献峰王际童龙东辉*, 乔文明凌立成. PICA-X的制备及其炭化前后性能研究[J]. 宇航材料工艺, 2016, 46(6): 46-49.

63. 周建国朱小磊张利乔文明龙东辉*, 凌立成中孔炭微球/酚醛树脂复合材料的力学及介电性能[J]. 新型炭材料, 2016, 31(3): 301-306.

62. 杨威贾献峰乔文明凌立成龙东辉*. 刚性短切碳纤维预制体和酚醛浸渍碳烧蚀体的制备及性能[J]. 宇航材料工艺, 2016, 46(2): 13-18.

61. 贾献峰刘旭华乔文明凌立成龙东辉*. 酚醛浸渍碳烧蚀体(PICA)的制备、结构及性能[J]. 宇航材料工艺, 2016, 46(1): 77-80, 90.



60. Chuanzhang Ge, Haixiao Yang, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochid, Seong-Ho Yoon*, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, LichengLing. Synthesis and characterization of high-softening-point methylene-bridged pitches by visible light irradiation assisted free-radical bromination. Carbon, 2015, 95: 780-788.

59. Lingping Kong, Chuangfang Zhang, Jitong Wang, Donghui Long*, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling. Ultrahigh intercalation pseudocapacitance of mesoporous orthorhombic niobium pentoxide from a novel cellulose nanocrystal template. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 149: 495-504.

58. Jitong Wang, Mei Wang, Wencheng Li, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. Application of polyethylenimine-impregnated solid adsorbents for direct capture of low-concentration CO2AIChE Journal, 2015, 61(3): 972-980.

57. Huichao Chen, Yanju Wei, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Donghui Long*. Controllable Nitrogen Doping of High-Surface-Area Microporous Carbons Synthesized from an Organic–Inorganic Sol–Gel Approach for Li–S Cathodes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(38): 21188-21197.

56. Jitong Wang, Haihong Huang, Mei Wang, Liwen Yao, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. Direct Capture of Low-Concentration CO2 on Mesoporous Carbon-Supported Solid Amine Adsorbents at Ambient Temperature. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54(19): 5319-5327.

55. Lei Liu, Yanju Wei, Chuanfang Zhang, Chuan Zhang, Xu Li, Jitong Wang, Licheng Ling, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*. Enhanced electrochemical performances of mesoporous carbon microsphere/selenium composites by controlling the pore structure and nitrogen doping. Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 153: 140-148.

54. Xiang Ge, Wei Yang, Jitong Wang, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling, Wenming Qiao*. Flexible carbon nanofiber sponges for highly efficient and recyclable oil absorption. RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 70025-70031.

53. Lingping Kong, Chuanfang Zhang, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Donghui Long*. Free-Standing T-Nb2O5/Graphene Composite Papers with Ultrahigh Gravimetric/Volumetric Capacitance for Li-Ion Intercalation Pseudocapacitor. ACS Nano, 2015, 9(11): 11200-11208.

52. Fugen Sun, Yanju Wei, Jianzhuang Chen, Donghui Long,* Licheng Ling, Yongsheng Lia, Jianlin Shi*. Melamine-assisted one-pot synthesis of hierarchical nitrogen-doped carbon@MoS2 nanowalled core–shell microspheres and their enhanced Li-storage performances. Nanoscale, 2015, 7: 13043-13050.

51. Yuanyuan Yao, Cheng Ma, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Donghui Long*. Rational Design of High-Surface-Area Carbon Nanotube/Microporous Carbon Core–Shell Nanocomposites for Supercapacitor Electrodes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(8): 4817-4825.



50. Jitong Wang, Sheng Xu, Yuefeng Wang, Rong Cai, Chunxiang Lv*, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. Controllable synthesis of hierarchical mesoporous/microporous nitrogen-rich polymer networks for CO2 and Cr(VI) ion adsorption. RSC Advances, 2014, 4: 16224-16232.

49. Chuanfang Zhang, Yingbo Xie, Jitong Wang, Amanda Pentecost, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling, Wenming Qiao*. Effect of graphitic structure on electrochemical ion intercalation into positive and negative electrodes. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2014, 18(10): 2673-2682.

48. Chuanfang Zhang, Yingbo Xie, Mengqiang Zhao, Amanda E. Pentecost, Zheng Ling, Jitong Wang, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling, Wenming Qiao*. Enhanced Electrochemical Performance of Hydrous RuO2/Mesoporous Carbon Nanocomposites via Nitrogen Doping. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6(12): 9751-9759.

47. Lingping Kong, Chuanfang Zhang, Songmin Zhang, Jitong Wang, Rong Cai, Chunxiang Lv*. Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Donghui Long*. High-power and high-energy asymmetric supercapacitors based on Li+-intercalation into a T-Nb2O5/graphene pseudocapacitive electrode. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2: 17962-17970.

46. Chuanfang Zhang, Kelsey B. Hatzell, Muhammad Boota, Boris Dyatkin, Majid Beidaghi, Donghui Long, Wenming Qiao, Emin C. Kumbur*, Yury Gogotsi*. Highly porous carbon spheres for electrochemical capacitors and capacitive flowable suspension electrodes. Carbon, 2014, 77: 155-164.

45. Chuanfang Zhang, Yingbo Xie, Gangwei Sun, Amanda Pentecost, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Donghui Long*, Yury Gogotsi*. Ion Intercalation into Graphitic Carbon with a Low Surface Area for High Energy Density Supercapacitors. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2014, 161: 1486-1494.

44. Xu Li, Jianguo Zhou, Jitong wang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Donghui Long*. Large-scale synthesis of mesoporous carbon microspheres with controllable structure and nitrogen doping using a spray drying method. RSC Advances, 2014, 4: 62662-62665.

43. Mei Wang, Jitong Wang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Donghui Long*. Scalable preparation of nitrogen-enriched carbon microspheres for efficient CO2 capture. RSC Advances, 2014, 4: 61456-61464.

42. 葛传长, 龙东辉*, 乔文明, 凌立成. 乙烯渣油结构解析及其热解行为[J]. 石油学报(石油加工), 2014, (6): 1052-1058.

41. 赵蓓蓓, 王际童, 王梅, 乔文明, 龙东辉*, 凌立成. 树脂基固态胺吸附剂室温下对低浓度CO2的吸附性能研究[J]. 环境科学学报, 2014, 34(11): 2892-2898.

40. 张重杰, 贾占虹, 杨三莉, 王际童, 龙东辉*, 凌立成. 有机胺改性中孔炭吸附二氧化碳研究[J]. 炭素技术, 2014, 33(4): 35-39.



39. Fugen Sun, Jitong Wang, Donghui Long*, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Chunxiang Lv, Rong Cai*. A high-rate lithium-sulfur battery assisted by nitrogen-enriched mesoporous carbons decorated with ultrafine La2O3 nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1: 13283-13289.

38. Fugen Sun, Jitong Wang, Huichao Chen, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Donghui Long*. Bottom-Up Catalytic Approach towards Nitrogen-Enriched Mesoporous Carbons/Sulfur Composites for Superior Li-S Cathodes. Scientific Reports, 2013, 3: 2823.

37. Jitong Wang, Huichao Chen, Huanhuan Zhou, Xiaojun Liu, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, LichengLing. Carbon dioxide capture using polyethylenimine-loaded mesoporous carbons, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2013, 25(1): 124-132.

36. Huanhuan Zhou, Sheng Xu, Haiping Su, Mei Wang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Donghui Long*. Facile preparation and ultra-microporous structure of melamine-resorcinol-formaldehyde polymeric microspheres. Chemical Communications, 2013, 49: 3763-3765.

35. Fugen Sun, Jitong Wang, Huichao Chen, Wencheng Li, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. High Efficiency Immobilization of Sulfur on Nitrogen-Enriched Mesoporous Carbons for Li-S Batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5(12): 5630-5638.

34. Jitong Wang, Mei Wang, Beibei Zhao, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. Mesoporous Carbon-Supported Solid Amine Sorbents for Low-Temperature Carbon Dioxide Capture. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52(15): 5437-5444.

33. Huichao Chen, Fugen Sun, Jitong Wang, Wencheng Li, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Donghui Long*. Nitrogen Doping Effects on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Mesoporous Carbons. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117(16): 8318-8328.

32. Fugen Sun, Jun Liu, Huichao Chen, Zixiao Zhang, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. Nitrogen-Rich Mesoporous Carbons: Highly Efficient, Regenerable Metal-Free Catalysts for Low-Temperature Oxidation of H2S. ACS Catalysis, 2013, 3(5): 862-870.



31. Gangwei Sun, Wenhua Song, Xiaojun Liu, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. Significantly enhanced rate capability in supercapacitors using carbide-derived carbons electrode with superior microstructure. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2012, 16(3): 1263–1270.

30. Wei Li, Donghui Long, Jin Miyawaki, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon*. Structural features of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibers. Journal of Materials Science, 2012, 47: 919-928.

29. Jitong Wang, Donghui Long,* Huanhuan Zhou, Qingjun Chen, Xiaojun Liu,  Licheng Ling*. Surfactant promoted solid amine sorbents for CO2 capture. Energy & Environmental Science, 2012, 5: 5742-5749.

28. Qingjun Chen, Jitong Wang, Xiaojun Liu, Xin Zhao, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. Alkaline carbon nanotubes as effective catalysts for H2S oxidation. Carbon, 2011, 49(12): 3773-3780.

27. Gangwei Sun, Donghui Long*, Xiaojun Liu, Wenming Qiao, Liang Zhan, Xiaoyi Liang, Licheng Ling. Asymmetric capacitance response from the chemical characteristics of activated carbons in KOH electrolyte. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2011, 659(2): 161-167.

26. Gangwei Sun, Wenhua Song, Xiaojun Liu, DonghuiLong*, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling*. Capacitive matching of pore size and ion size in the negative and positive electrodes for supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta, 2011, 56(25): 9248-9256.

25. Chang-Min Yoon, Donghui Long, Sang-Min Jang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Jin Miyawaki, Choong-Kyun Rhee*, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon*. Electrochemical surface oxidation of carbon nanofibers. Carbon, 2011, 49(1): 96-105.

24. Donghui Long, Jin-Yong Hong, Wei Li, Jin Miyawaki, Licheng Ling, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon*, Jyongsik Jang*. Fabrication of Uniform Graphene Discs via Transversal Cutting of Carbon Nanofibers. ACS Nano, 2011, 5(8): 6254-6261.

23. Shuangling Jin, Honggui Deng, Donghui Long*, Xiaojun Liu, Liang Zhan, Xiaoyi Liang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling*. Facile synthesis of hierarchically structured Fe3O4/carbon micro-flowers and their application to lithium-ion battery anodes. Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196(8): 3887-3893.

22. Donghui Long*, Wei Li, Wenming Qiao, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochidab, Licheng Ling*. Graphitization behaviour of chemically derived graphene sheets. Nanoscale, 2011, 3: 3652-3656.

21. Jitong Wang, Qingjun Chen, Xiaojun Liu, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. Hard-templating synthesis of mesoporous carbon spheres with controlled particle size and mesoporous structure for enzyme immobilization. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011, 129(3): 1035-1041.

20. Donghui Long*, Wei Li, Jin Miyawaki, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon*. Meso-channel Development in Graphitic Carbon Nanofibers with Various Structures. Chemistry of Materials, 2011, 23(18): 4141-4148.

19. Gangwei Sun, Wenhua Song, Xiaojun Liu, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long, Licheng Ling*. New concept of in situ carbide-derived carbon/xerogel nanocomposite materials for electrochemical capacitor. Materials Letters, 2011, 65(9): 1392-1395.

18. Donghui Long*, Wei Li, Wenming Qiao, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida, Licheng Ling*. Partially unzipped carbon nanotubes as a superior catalyst support for PEM fuel cells. Chemical Communications, 2011, 47: 9429-9431.

17. Qingjun Chen, Jitong Wang, Xiaojun Liu, Zesi Li, Wenming Qiao, Donghui Long*, Licheng Ling. Structure-dependent catalytic oxidation of H2S over Na2CO3 impregnated carbon aerogels. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2011, 142: 641-648.

16. Qingjun Chen, Donghui Long*, Liang Chen, Xiaojun Liu, Xiaoyi Liang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling*. Synthesis of ultrahigh-pore-volume carbon aerogels through a reinforced-concrete modified sol-gel process. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2011, 357(1): 232-235.

15. Gangwei Sun, Jitong Wang, Xiaojun Liu, Donghui Long*, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling. Ion Transport Behavior in Triblock Copolymer-Templated Ordered Mesoporous Carbons with Different Pore Symmetries. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114(43): 18745-18751.

14. Qingjun Chen, Feichao Fan, Donghui Long*, Xiaojun Liu, Xiaoyi Liang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling. Poly(ethyleneimine)-Loaded Silica Monolith with a Hierarchical Pore Structure for H2S Adsorptive Removal. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2010, 49(22): 11408-11414.

13. Donghui Long, Wei Li, Licheng Ling, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon*. Preparation of Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Sheets by a Combined Chemical and Hydrothermal Reduction of Graphene Oxide. Langmuir, 2010, 26(20): 16096-16102.

12. Qingjun Chen, Zhi Wang, Donghui Long, Xiaojun Liu, Liang Zhan, Xiaoyi Liang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling*. Role of Pore Structure of Activated Carbon Fibers in the Catalytic Oxidation of H2S. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2010, 49(7): 3152-3159.

11. Donghui Long,Bai An, Kiyoshi Yokogawa, Licheng Ling, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon*. Structural Units and Their Periodicity in Carbon Nanotubes. Small, 2010, 6(22): 2526-2529.

10. Donghui Long, Rui Zhang, Wenming Qiao, Liang Zhang, Xiaoyi Liang, Licheng Ling*. Biomolecular adsorption behavior on spherical carbon aerogels with various mesopore sizes. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2009, 331(1): 40-46.

9. Donghui Long, Wenming Qiao, Liang Zhan, Xiaoyi Liang, Licheng Ling*. Effect of template and precursor chemistry on pore architectures of triblock copolymer-templated mesoporous carbons. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2009, 121: 58-66.

8. Guo Cheng, Donghui Long, Xiaojun Liu, Licheng Ling*. Fabrication of hierarchical porous carbide-derived carbons by chlorination of mesoporous titanium carbides. New Carbon Materials, 2009, 24(3): 243-250.

7. Hongpeng Liu, Donghui Long, Xiaojun Liu, Wenming Qiao, Liang Zhan, Licheng Ling*. Facile synthesis and superior anodic performance of ultrafine SnO2-containing nanocomposites. Electrochimica Acta, 2009, 54(24): 5782-5788.

6. Donghui Long, Xiaojun Liu, Wenming Qiao, Rui Zhang, Liang Zhan, Licheng Ling*. Molecular design of polymer precursors for controlling microstructure of organic and carbon aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2009, 355: 1252-1258.

5. Donghui Long, Qingjun Chen, Wenming Qiao, Liang Zhan, Xiaoyi Liang, Licheng Ling*. Three-dimensional mesoporous carbon aerogels: ideal catalyst supports for enhanced H2S oxidation. Chemical Communications, 2009, (26): 3898-3900.

4. Chuanxiang Zhang, Donghui Long, Baolin Xing, Wenming Qiao, Rui Zhang, Liang Zhan, Xiaoyi Liang, Licheng Ling*. The superior electrochemical performance of oxygen-rich activated carbons prepared from bituminous coal. Electrochemistry Communications, 2008, 10(11): 1809-1811.

3. Donghui Long, Jie Zhang, Junhe Yang, Zijun Hu, Guo Cheng, Ximiao Liu, Rui Zhang*, Liang Zhan, Wenming Qiao, LichengLing*. Chemical state of nitrogen in carbon aerogels issued from phenol-melamine-formaldehyde gels. Carbon, 2008, 46(9): 1259-1262.

2 Donghui Long, Jie Zhang, Junhe Yang, Zijun Hu, Tongqi Li, Guo Cheng, Rui Zhang*, Licheng Ling. Preparation and microstructure control of carbon aerogels produced using m-cresol mediated sol-gel polymerization of phenol and furfural. New Carbon Materials, 2008, 23(2): 165-170.

1. Donghui Long, Feng Lu, Rui Zhang*, Wenming Qiao, Liang Zhan, Xiaoyi Liang, Licheng Ling. Suspension assisted synthesis of triblock copolymer-templated ordered mesoporous carbon spheres with controlled particle size. Chemical Communications, 2008, (23): 2647-2649.