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165. Z Zhao, Z Su, H Chen, S Yi, W Zhang, B Niu, Y Zhang, D Long. Renewable biomass-derived carbon-based hosts for lithium–sulfur batteries. Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2022, 6, 5211–5242

164. Peng Li, Bo Niu, Helin Pan, Yayun Zhang, Donghui Long. Production of hydrocarbon-rich bio-oil from catalytic pyrolysis of waste cooking oil over nickel monoxide loaded corn cob-derived activated carbon. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022, 135653.

163. Zhe Su, Shan Yi, Wanyu Zhang, Liying Tian, Yayun Zhang, Shenghu Zhou, Bo Niu, Donghui Long. Magnetic‐Dielectric Complementary Fe‐Co‐Ni Alloy/Carbon Composites for High‐Attenuation C‐Band Microwave Absorption via Carbothermal Reduction of Solid‐Solution Precursor. Advanced Electronic Materials. 2022, 2201159.

162. Zhen Qian, Hongxiang Cai, Junxiang Cao, Peng Wang, Liang Li, Yu Cao, Yayun Zhang, Bo Niu, Donghui Long. 3D needle-punched carbon/quartz fabric reinforced nanoporous phenolic composites with co-optimized mechanics, insulation and ablation. Composites Communications. 2022, 36, 101393.

161. Wanyu Zhang, Donghui Hong, Zhe Su, Shan Yi, Liying Tian, Bo Niu, Yayun Zhang, Donghui Long. Tailored ZnO-ZnS heterostructure enables a rational balancing of strong adsorption and high catalytic activity of polysulfides for Li-S batteries. Energy Storage Materials. 2022, 53, 404-414.

160. Shan Yi, Zhe Su, Wanyu Zhang, Hongli Chen, Yayun Zhang, Bo Niu, Donghui Long. An ion-released MgI2-doped separator inducing a LiI-containing solid electrolyte interphase for dendrite-free Li metal anodes. Journal of Energy Chemistry. 2022, 75, 83-94.

159. Bo Niu, Haochen Shen, Tong Li, Hongyu Zhang, Zhen Qian, Yu Cao, Yayun Zhang, Donghui Long. 2.5 D quartz fabric reinforced nanoporous phenolic composites with weakened heat transfer and optimized mechanical properties. Composites Science and Technology. 2022, 230, 109726.

158. Liying Tian, Meihuang Wang, Ying Liu, Zhe Su, Bo Niu, Yayun Zhang, Panpan Dong, Donghui Long. Multiple ionic conduction highways and good interfacial stability of ionic liquid-encapsulated cross-linked polymer electrolytes for lithium metal batteries. Journal of Power Sources. 2022, 543, 231848.

157. Peng Li, Kun Wan, Huan Chen, Fangjuan Zheng, Zhuo Zhang, Bo Niu, Yayun Zhang, Donghui Long. Value-added products from catalytic pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass and waste plastics over biochar-based catalyst: A state-of-the-art review. Catalysts, 2022, 12 (9), 1067.

156. Huan Chen, Donghui Hong, Kun Wan, Junjie Wang, Bo Niu, Yayun Zhang, Donghui Long. Urchin-like Nb2O5 hollow microspheres enabling efficient and selective photocatalytic C–C bond cleavage in lignin models under ambient conditions. Chinese Chemical Letter. 2022, 33 (9), 4357-4362.

155. 张鸿宇, 钱震, 牛波, 张亚运, 龙东辉. 低密度纤维增强酚醛气凝胶复合材料的力学特性及断裂机制. 复合材料学报. 2022, 39(8), 3663-3673.

154. Bo Niu, Hongyu Zhang, Zhen Qian, Haochen Shen, Zhen Jiang, Xuanfeng Zhang, Yu Cao, Yayun Zhang, Donghui Long. Micro-fracture behaviors of needled short-chopped fiber reinforced phenolic aerogel composites based on in-situ X-ray micro-CT. Composites Communications. 2022, 33, 101224.

153. Guixiang Li, Fangjuan Zheng, Qingfu Huang, Junjie Wang, Bo Niu, Yayun Zhang, Donghui Long. Molecular insight into pyrolysis processes via reactive force field molecular dynamics: A state-of-the-art review. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2022, 105620.

152. K Wu, J Cao, Z Qian, Y Luo, B Niu, Y Zhang, D Long. Monolithic carbon aerogels within foam framework for high-temperature thermal insulation and organics absorption. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2022, 618, 259-269

151. F Zheng, K Wan, F Huang, B Niu, Y Shi, D Wei, Y Zhang, D Long. Assessing pyrolysis behavior of silicon-containing arylacetylene resin via experiments and ReaxFF MD simulations. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2022, 105528.

150. Q Zhou, P Wang, K Wu, J Cao, H Zhang, Y Zhang, B Niu, D Long. Performance of high-temperature lightweight multilayer insulations. Applied Thermal Engineering 2022, 118436

149. Z Su, W Zhang, J Lu, L Tian, S Yi, Y Zhang, S Zhou, B Niu, D Long. Oxygen-vacancy-rich Fe 3 O 4/carbon nanosheets enabling high-attenuation and broadband microwave absorption through the integration of interfacial polarization and charge-separation polarization. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2022, 10 (15), 8479-8490

148. W Zhang, H Xu, F Xie, X Ma, B Niu, M Chen, H Zhang, Y Zhang, D Long. General Synthesis of Ultrafine Metal Oxide/Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites for Ultrahigh-Flux Nanofiltration Membrane. Nature Communications. 2022. 13 (1), 1-10

147. 陈欢, 万坤, 牛波, 张亚运, 龙东辉. 废弃塑料化学回收及升级再造研究进展化工进展. 2022

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145. Zhuo Zhang, Liying Tian, Hongyu Zhang, Hai Xu, Panpan Dong, Yayun Zhang, Donghui Long. Hexagonal Rodlike Cu-MOF-74-Derived Filler-Reinforced Composite Polymer Electrolyte for High-Performance Solid-State Lithium Batteries. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2022. 

144. Huan Chen, Donghui Hong, Kun Wan, Junjie Wang, Bo Niu, Yayun Zhang, Donghui Long. Urchin-like Nb2O5 hollow microspheres enabling efficient and selective photocatalytic C–C bond cleavage in lignin models under ambient conditions. Chinese Chemical Letter. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cclet.2021.11.084.

143. Kede Wu, Qi Zhou, Junxiang Cao, Zhen Qian, Bo Niu, DonghuiLong. Ultrahigh-strength carbon aerogels for high temperature thermal insulation. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science  2022,609,  667-675

142. YikunSun, Yi Luo, Bo Niu, Yayun Zhang, DonghuiLong. Scalable preparation of high-strength hierarchically porous carbon beads with bicontinuous macroporous network by solvent induced phase separation technique. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2022, 330, 111620.

141. Yajing Liu, Donghui Hong, Mingqi Chen, Zhe Su, Yanfang, Gao, Yayun Zhang, DonghuiLong. Synergistic action of Pt and Nb2O5 ultrafine nanoparticles for bidirectional conversion of polysulfides in high-performance lithium-sulfur cells. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022. 430 (1), 132714.