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138. Liying Tian, Ying Liu,  Zhe Su, Yu Cao, Wanyu Zhang, Shan Yi, Bo Niu, Yayun Zhang, Panpan Dong and Donghui Long.  A Lithiated Organic Nanofiber-Reinforced Composite Polymer Electrolyte Enabling Li-ion Conduction Highways for Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9, 23882

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135. Fangjuan Zheng, Zhiyi Ren, Bin Xu, Kun Wan, Jiangtao Cai, Jundong Yang, Tao Zhang, Peng Wang, Bo Niu, Yayun Zhang, Donghui Long. Elucidating multiple-scale reaction behaviors of phenolic resin pyrolysis via TG-FTIR and ReaxFF molecular dynamics simulations.Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 2021, 105222.

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129. Yajing Liu, Mingqi Chen, Mengfei Hu, Yan fang Gao, Yayun Zhang*, Donghui Long*. In-situ anchoring sulfiphilic silica nanoparticles onto macro-mesoporous carbon framework for cost-effective Li-S cathodes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 406, 126781.

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127. Yajing Liu, Mingqi Chen, Zhe Su, Yanfang Gao*, Yayun Zhang*, Donghui Long*. Direct trapping and rapid conversing of polysulfides via a multifunctional Nb2O5-CNT catalytic layer for high performance lithium-sulfur batteries. Carbon 2021. 172, 260-271.