发布时间:2020-09-15   访问次数:14

Colloidal dispersion of Nb2O5/reducedgraphene oxide nanocomposites as functional coating layer for polysulfideshuttle suppression and lithium anode protection of Li-S battery

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 566: 11-20.

QingyanMa, Mengfei Hu, Yuan Yuan, Yankai Pan, Mingqi Chen, Yayun Zhang*, Donghui Long*


Functional separator, which bridges anode,electrolyte and cathode together, has the potential to offer a good solutionfor efficient polysulfide diffusion inhibition and anode protection of Li-Sbattery. Herein, a novel ultra-thin multifunctional separator is prepared by afacile coating of colloidal dispersion of Nb2O5/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites (rGO) onto porouspolypropylene (PP) matrix. Benefiting from the physical blocking effect of rGOlayer and chemisorption of Nb2O5, the shuttle of polysulfides has been greatly suppressed.Meanwhile, the rGO layer functioning as a conductive upper current collectorcan improve the sulfur utilization, while the Nb2O5 with high activity promotes the transformation ofsulfur-containing species. With the assistant of Nb2O5-rGO function layer, the sulfur cathodeshows significantly improved electrochemical performance with a high specificcapacity of 1328 mAh g−1 at 0.2C and754 mAh g−1 retained after 200cycles. The sulfur cathode also exhibits excellent rate capability and stableCoulombic efficiency of 91% without the addition of LiNO3 in the electrolyte. Moreover, the presence of thin Nb2O5-rGO layer also prevents the lithiumsurface corrosion and the dendrite growth in the lithium anode.